In today’s difficult economy we know that many people cannot afford to retain counsel to represent them throughout their entire legal proceeding and this leaves many people on their own to try to navigate their way through a complicated and lengthy legal process without any legal advice or assistance.
The lack of legal representation is highest within the area of Family Law; in some jurisdictions as many as 80% of the litigants are self-represented. The inability to obtain legal assistance leads to many problems for the individuals involved in the process as well as for our justice system as a whole. The self-represented individual often obtains less than favorable results and leaves the Court process feeling ignored and abused.
The legal profession is now beginning to realize that legal services need to be delivered in other ways, which address the need for access to justice for the public and improves outcomes for individuals as well as assisting the Justice System to operate more effectively and efficiently.
Daley Law Office is proud to offer unbundled legal service packages, which are individually designed to meet the unique needs of each client.
The following is a list of some of the services that we can provide on an unbundled basis, alone or within a package of services:
Time Packages
- 1, 3, 5, and 10 Hour packages available, hourly rate on a sliding scale of $200 to $300 per hour.
- You may use the purchased time to have the lawyer complete work on your file, based upon your particular needs and the legal tasks you require to be performed by the lawyer.
- **The above prices vary based upon the level of experience of the lawyer chosen to complete the work.
Email Access to Lawyer
- $500 for first month and $400 for each additional month + HST
- Email access to obtain legal advice directly from lawyer. (Maximum of 17 emails per month and advice is based upon the information supplied by the client)
Attendance at Mediations or Settlement Meetings
- 1/2 Day $1000 + HST Full day $2000 + HST
- Includes preparation for the attendance based on materials supplied by the client and from the opposing party.
Tailor Made Packages
- Packages may be designed in consultation with a lawyer to meet the specific needs of the client.
Starting a Court Action
- This package is designed to cover the cost of all tasks required to commence a legal proceeding on behalf of the client and includes, consultation with the client to obtain the required information, drafting all court documents required to commence the action and to serving and filing the documents with the Court House. (Some exceptions may apply for very complex matters and complicated property issues)
- $1500 to $2000 + disbursements and HST
Answering a Court Action
- This package is designed to cover the cost of all tasks required to respond to a legal proceeding that has been brought against you and includes, consultation with the client to obtain the required information, drafting all court documents required to respond to the action and to serving and filing the documents with the Court House. (Some exceptions may apply for very complex matters and complicated property issues)
- $1500 to $2000 + disbursements and HST
Drafting Motion Materials
- This package is designed to cover the cost of all tasks required to commence or respond to a motion(a request for a temporary order from the Court, pending a trial) and includes, consultation with the client to obtain the required information, drafting a Notice of Motion and Affidavit and to serving and filing the documents with the Court House. (Some exceptions may apply for very complex matters and complicated property issues)
- $600 to $1500 + disbursements and HST